<value id="622" string="These rooms are hosted by Camfrog.\nClick on the name of the chat room you want to join below.\nYou can also "></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXT_TAB1_STR-->
<value id="623" string="\nThese rooms are hosted by Camfrog users world-wide.\nYou can also "></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXT_TAB2_STR-->
<value id="624" string="Deaf rooms are popular with Camfrog users who communicate using\nSign Language. Rooms in this category have no sound.\nThese rooms are hosted by Camfrog users world-wide.\nYou can also "></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXT_TAB3_STR-->
<value id="625" string="These rooms are in audio mode. Video is disabled to allow\nhigher audio quality. These rooms are hosted by Camfrog users\nworld-wide.\nYou can also "></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXT_TAB4_STR-->
<value id="626" string="Users who host these video chat rooms only allow people 18 years\nof age or older to enter. To connect click on the nickname of the\nserver you want to join below."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXT_TAB5_STR-->
<value id="627" string="host your video chat room."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_HOSTYOUROWNVIDEOCHATROOM_STR-->
<value id="628" string="Host your video chat room free."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_HOSTYOUROWNVIDEOCHATROOMFREE_STR-->
<value id="632" string="You are about to disable the family filter. This will allow you to view a list of video chat rooms that only allow users that are 18 or older. Just because a room only allows users 18 or older does not mean the room allows adult content. Please carefully read the rules of the room when joining. By turning off the family filter you confirm you are 18 years of age or older and you agree to the Camfrog Terms of Service . Are you sure you want to do this?"></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXTWARNING_STR-->
<value id="633" string=" Terms of Service "></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_TEXTLINKWARNING1_STR-->
<value id="681" string="%s: User List"></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_VIDEOCHATROOM_STR-->
<value id="682" string="These video chat rooms are hosted by Camfrog users all over the world. Camfrog allows all Camfrog users to set up and host their own video chat room. Please read the rules carefully when joining a room and do not act inappropriately."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_CLICK_TAB2_STR-->
<value id="683" string="These video chat rooms are in deaf mode."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_CLICK_TAB3_STR-->
<value id="684" string="These video chat rooms are audio only."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_CLICK_TAB4_STR-->
<value id="685" string="Warning: By entering these rooms you agree you are 18 years of age or older and you agree to follow the Camfrog TOS. Just because these rooms only allow users 18 years of age does not mean they allow adult content or inappropriate behavior. Please follow the rules of these rooms and do not violate the Camfrog TOS."></value> <!--EXSTR_CHRL_CLICK_TAB5_STR-->
<value id="701" string="You are attempting to type an unacceptable character.\nThis field accepts standard English characters only."></value> <!--EXSTR_UNACCEPTCHAR_TEXT_STR-->
<value id="720" string="Error: No nickname was entered."></value> <!--EXSTR_EMPTY_NICK_STR-->
<value id="721" string="Error: No password was entered."></value> <!--EXSTR_EMPTY_PASS_STR-->
<value id="722" string="Error: Your old password was not entered."></value> <!--EXSTR_EMPTY_OLDPASS_STR-->
<value id="723" string="Error: Your new password was not entered."></value> <!--EXSTR_EMPTY_NEWPASS_STR-->
<value id="724" string="Error: Your confirmed password was not entered."></value> <!--EXSTR_EMPTY_CONFPASS_STR-->
<value id="725" string="Error: The old password was entered incorrectly."></value> <!--EXSTR_INCORRECTLY_OLDPASS_STR-->
<value id="726" string="Error: The new password was entered incorrectly."></value> <!--EXSTR_INCORRECTLY_NEWPASS_STR-->
<value id="727" string="Error: The confirmation password you entered was incorrect."></value> <!--EXSTR_INCORRECTLY_CONFPASS_STR-->
<value id="728" string="The length of the password should be 4-19 letters, numbers, or symbols."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERR_LENPASS_STR-->
<value id="729" string="Your profile was successfully updated"></value> <!--EXSTR_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED_STR-->
<value id="730" string="%s may not reply because user has set status to away."></value> <!--EXSTR_MESSAGEBAR_CSSTATUS_AWAY-->
<value id="731" string="%s may not reply because user has set status to busy."></value> <!--EXSTR_MESSAGEBAR_CSSTATUS_BUSY-->
<value id="732" string="%s may not reply because user has set status to privacy."></value> <!--EXSTR_MESSAGEBAR_CSSTATUS_PRIVACY-->
<value id="733" string="%s is offline. Your message will not be delivered"></value> <!--EXSTR_MESSAGEBAR_CSSTATUS_OFFLINE-->
<value id="740" string="You are not quitting Camfrog, but instead it will be minimized in your notification area. To quit Camfrog go under the file menu and choose "Exit" or right click the icon in the notification area."></value> <!--EXSTR_CLOSEMAINWND_STR-->
<value id="741" string="Do not show this warning again."></value> <!--EXSTR_DONOTSHOW_STR-->
<value id="742" string="You will no longer receive messages from users not in your contact list. Are you sure you want to do this?"></value> <!--EXSTR_PRIVACYSTATUS_STR-->
<value id="743" string="Don't ask me again."></value> <!--EXSTR_DONTASK_STR-->
<value id="749" string="Remove Camfrog Pro Video Chat activation information and revert to the free version?"></value> <!--EXSTR_REMOVEACTIVATIONCODE_STR-->
<value id="750" string="The activation code you entered is not valid. Please make sure you have not inserted any blank space before or after the serial number."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERRORACTIVATIONCODE_STR-->
<value id="751" string="Your Camfrog Pro Video Chat advanced features have been successfully activated.\nYou must restart Camfrog Video Chat to finalize activation."></value> <!--EXSTR_ACTIVATION_RESTART_STR-->
<value id="752" string="Your Camfrog Pro activation information has been removed.\nYou must restart Camfrog Video Chat to finalize deactivation."></value> <!--EXSTR_DEACTIVATION_RESTART_STR-->
<value id="753" string="No contacts have been added"></value> <!--EXSTR_NOCONTACTS_STR-->
<value id="754" string="Join Main Camfrog Room"></value> <!--EXSTR_JOINMAINROOM_STR-->
<value id="755" string="Add a Contact"></value> <!--EXSTR_ADDCONTACT_STR-->
<value id="756" string="Search for Camfrog Users"></value> <!--EXSTR_SEARCHUSERS_STR-->
<value id="758" string="I Forgot My Password"></value> <!--EXSTR_FORGOT_PASSWORD_STR-->
<value id="759" string="A user with the same nickname has connected to the server. You have been disconnected."></value> <!--EXSTR_DISCONNECT_NICK_STR-->
<value id="761" string="Someone is using your Camfrog Pro code. You can sign on in 60 seconds or deactivate Camfrog Pro. If you are a paying customer please visit our contact page so we can help you."></value> <!--EXSTR_DEACTIVATE_DISCONNECT_STR-->
<value id="771" string="New available version: %d.%d.%d"></value> <!--EXSTR_NEWVERSION_STR-->
<value id="772" string="New features and improvements!"></value> <!--EXSTR_NEWFEATURES_STR-->
<value id="773" string="Click here to download"></value> <!--EXSTR_CLICKTODOWNLOAD_STR-->
<value id="774" string="Camfrog is logging in..."></value> <!--EXSTR_LOGGINING_STR-->
<value id="775" string="Camfrog is logging in (%d)..."></value> <!--EXSTR_RELOGGINING_STR-->
<value id="776" string="This user cannot reply to you. You are in privacy mode and this user is not in your contact list. Want to add this user to your contact list?"></value> <!--EXSTR_MSGFROMPRIVACY_STR-->
<value id="778" string="Error: Invalid nickname or password."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_INVALID_LOGIN_OR_PASSWORD-->
<value id="779" string="Error: A user with the same serial number is already logged in."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_DUPLICATE_SERIAL_NUMBER-->
<value id="780" string="This Camfrog Pro code is invalid. Would you like to remove this code so you can sign on?"></value> <!--EXSTR_INVALIDSERIALCODE-->
<value id="781" string="The version of Camfrog you are using is outdated and no longer supported. Download the latest version from %s"></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_NEWVERSION-->
<value id="782" string="Unknown server error."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_UNKNOWN-->
<value id="818" string="Camfrog Pro has more features."></value> <!--EXSTR_FREESTATUSBARLINK_STR-->
<value id="819" string="Warning: You should not accept snapshots from people you do not know and trust. This snapshot could be inappropriate. Are you sure you want to accept this snapshot photo?"></value> <!--EXSTR_RECEIVESNAPSHOT_STR-->
<value id="852" string="Cannot rename: A group with the name you specified already exists. Please specify a different group name."></value> <!--EXSTR_CANNOT_RENAME-->
<value id="853" string="You can not add your own nickname to your contact list. Please add a user other than yourself."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_ADDYOURSELFINCL_STR-->
<value id="854" string="You can't message yourself. Please enter the nickname of another user."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_IM_YOURSELF_STR-->
<value id="855" string="You can not add your own nickname to your multi IM contact list. Please add a user other than yourself."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_ADDYOURSELFINMULTYCL_STR-->
<value id="856" string="You can not send this command to yourself, please enter the nickname of another user."></value> <!--EXSTR_INVITE_YOURSELF_STR-->
<value id="858" string="Camfrog is unable to connect to the video streams in this room. Please check your firewall/antivirus software settings or visit the Camfrog FAQ page."></value> <!--EXSTR_NOTMEDIACONR_STR-->
<value id="859" string="No Camfrog user exists with that nickname."></value> <!--EXSTR_USERNOTEXIST_STR-->
<value id="861" string="Could not connect to server. This server may be offline or behind a firewall/router."></value> <!--EXSTR_NOCONNECTTOSERVER_STR-->
<value id="862" string="You are about to disconnect from the video chat, are you sure want to do this?"></value> <!--EXSTR_DISCONNECTP2P_STR-->
<value id="863" string="This user is not in a room."></value> <!--EXSTR_WHATROOM_REASON_0-->
<value id="864" string="This user is offline."></value> <!--EXSTR_WHATROOM_REASON_1-->
<value id="865" string="This user doesn't allow location searches."></value> <!--EXSTR_WHATROOM_REASON_2-->
<value id="866" string="Users under 18 can't be located."></value> <!--EXSTR_WHATROOM_REASON_3-->
<value id="867" string="Nickname is not entered."></value> <!--EXSTR_WHATROOM_REASON_4-->
<value id="869" string="Do you really want to clear your history?"></value> <!--EXSTR_HISTORYCLEAR_STR-->
<value id="870" string="Warning: Do you trust the person who sent you this file? This file could possibly damage your computer. Are you sure you want to accept this?"></value> <!--EXSTR_TRUST_FILE_STR-->
<value id="871" string="Closing this window will end the file transfer. Do you want to close this window?"></value> <!--EXSTR_END_FILE_TRANSFER_STR-->
<value id="899" string="SYSTEM:MESSAGE 0005%s is in privacy mode and only accepts messages from users in his or her contact list. Your message was not received. Contact %s immediately by sending a virtual gift along with a private message!"></value> <!--EXSTR_SM_IPM_S_STR-->
<value id="900" string="SYSTEM:MESSAGE 0004This user does not talk to users with negative rating. In under 15 minutes your feedback will go positive again and you can IM this person."></value> <!--EXSTR_SM_TUDT_STR-->
<value id="901" string="SYSTEM:MESSAGE 0005%s is in privacy mode and only accepts messages from users in his or her contact list. Your message was not received. <a>Contact %s</a> immediately by <a>sending a virtual gift</a> along with a private message!"></value> <!--EXSTR_SM_IPM_STR-->
<value id="902" string="SYSTEM:MESSAGE 0006This teen only allows messages from other teens. Your message was not received."></value> <!--EXSTR_SM_TTEEN_STR-->
<value id="903" string="Error: User with same nickname was connected to the server. You were disconnected."></value> <!--EXSTR_SM_ERRDISC_STR-->
<value id="904" string="Please upgrade to Camfrog PRO to join video chat rooms and connect one on one simultaneously."></value> <!--EXSTR_BYPRO_STR-->
<value id="905" string="Instant messaging is disabled by parental controls"></value> <!--EXSTR_IMESDIS_STR-->
<value id="906" string="Warning: This contact already exists in your contact list"></value> <!--EXSTR_ALREADYUSER_STR-->
<value id="907" string="Press "Snap" to snap a frame"></value> <!--EXSTR_PRESSSNAP_STR-->
<value id="927" string=" gave you bad feedback! Your current rating is now "></value> <!--EXSTR_SM1_STR-->
<value id="928" string=". If your rating goes negative you will not be able to IM anyone for few minutes. To avoid receiving more bad feedback don't message "></value> <!--EXSTR_SM2_STR-->
<value id="929" string=" again and don't send inappropriate messages to users."></value> <!--EXSTR_SM3_STR-->
<value id="1047" string="%s refused the file."></value> <!--EXSTR_REFUSEDFILE_STR-->
<value id="1048" string="%s refused the snapshot."></value> <!--EXSTR_REFUSEDSNAP_STR-->
<value id="1049" string="Please buy Camfrog PRO to join video chat rooms and connect one on one simultaneously."></value> <!--EXSTR_PBUYPRO2JOIN_STR-->
<value id="1050" string="The audio chat could not be established."></value> <!--EXSTR_ACHCBEST_STR-->
<value id="1051" string="The video chat could not be established."></value> <!--EXSTR_VCHCBEST_STR-->
<value id="1052" string="You are already busy with another video or audio chat."></value> <!--EXSTR_ABYANATHER_STR-->
<value id="1053" string="You requested an audio chat with "></value> <!--EXSTR_YREQACHW_STR-->
<value id="1054" string="You requested a video chat with "></value> <!--EXSTR_YREQVCHW_STR-->
<value id="1055" string="%s is requesting an audio chat. Would you like to accept? "></value> <!--EXSTR_ISCALLANSWERA_STR-->
<value id="1056" string="%s is requesting a video chat. Would you like to accept? "></value> <!--EXSTR_ISCALLANSWERV_STR-->
<value id="1057" string="Unable to accept this action from offline user"></value> <!--EXSTR_UN2ACCEPTTHISACT_STR-->
<value id="1058" string="Audio chat refused by user, or the user is already busy with another video or audio chat."></value> <!--EXSTR_ACHREFBYUSER_STR-->
<value id="1059" string="Video chat refused by user, or the user is already busy with another video or audio chat."></value> <!--EXSTR_VCHREFBYUSER_STR-->
<value id="1060" string="Call cancelled by the other user."></value> <!--EXSTR_CALLCANCELLEDBYOTUS_STR-->
<value id="1061" string="Calling to unknown or offline user. Audio chat can not be established."></value> <!--EXSTR_CALL2UNKNOWA_STR-->
<value id="1062" string="Calling to unknown or offline user. Video chat can not be established."></value> <!--EXSTR_CALL2UNKNOWV_STR-->
<value id="1063" string="Audio chat was successfully established."></value> <!--EXSTR_ACSEST_STR-->
<value id="1064" string="Video chat was successfully established."></value> <!--EXSTR_VCSEST_STR-->
<value id="1065" string="The private audio chat was disconnected by %s"></value> <!--EXSTR_P2PDISCKBYA_STR-->
<value id="1066" string="The private video chat was disconnected by %s"></value> <!--EXSTR_P2PDISCKBYV_STR-->
<value id="1089" string="Video viewing is disabled by parental controls."></value> <!--EXSTR_VWISPC_STR-->
<value id="1090" string="SYSTEM:MESSAGE 0007 I would like you to join the camfrog:join:%s video chat room. Click the blue link to join."></value> <!--EXSTR_IWL2JOIN_STR-->
<value id="1091" string="More video chat rooms are available at "></value> <!--EXSTR_MOREVCHR_STR-->
<value id="1092" string="Server name is not found in the active chat room list."></value> <!--EXSTR_SERNISNOTFOUND_STR-->
<value id="1093" string="File %s exists. You want to overwrite it?"></value> <!--EXSTR_FILE_EXISTS_STR-->
<value id="1094" string="Cannot save this file."></value> <!--EXSTR_FILE_CANNOTSAVE_STR-->
<value id="1095" string="Select a folder where the file will be saved:"></value> <!--EXSTR_FILE_SELECTFOLDER_STR-->
<value id="1096" string="Warning: You are still broadcasting publically in a video chat room.\nTo broadcast privately disconnect from the room first."></value> <!--EXSTR_P2P_PRIVACYWARNING_STR-->
<value id="1097" string="You have no enough disc space to save this file."></value> <!--EXSTR_NOTENOUGHDISKSPACE_STR-->
<value id="1105" string=" for Pro features including multiple video windows, HUGE video windows and more!"></value> <!--EXSTR_CAMFROGISFREEFOREVER2_STR-->
<value id="1111" string="Are you sure you want to give %s bad feedback? You should only give a user bad feedback if he or she is acting inappropriately."></value> <!--EXSTR_CONF_BADFEEDBACK_STR-->
<value id="1115" string="Remove from group"></value> <!--EXSTR_REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_STR-->
<value id="1116" string="You cannot add more than 100 groups."></value> <!--EXSTR_GROUP_MAX_STR-->
<value id="1117" string="You are about to close %s tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?"></value> <!--EXSTR_CLOSE_TABBEDIM-->
<value id="1118" string="%s left the chat or has had a temporary video error."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_LOADINGV-->
<value id="1119" string="You cannot add more than %d nicknames."></value> <!--EXSTR_COUNT_NICK_MAX_STR-->
<value id="1120" string="< type something >"></value> <!--EXSTR_TYPE_SOMTHING_STR-->
<value id="1121" string="< enter nickname >"></value> <!--EXSTR_ENTER_NICKNAME_STR-->
<value id="1122" string=" gave you bad feedback! Your current rating is now "></value> <!--EXSTR_SYS_MES_3_1_STR-->
<value id="1123" string=". If your rating goes negative you will not be able to IM anyone for a few minutes. To avoid more negative feedback don't message this user again and don't send inappropriate messages."></value> <!--EXSTR_SYS_MES_3_2_STR-->
<value id="1124" string="Type nickname for the one on one connection"></value> <!--EXSTR_TYPE_NICKNAME_ONE_ON_ONE_STR-->
<value id="1153" string="Warning: The maximum number of IM history windows is already opened. Please close some to continue."></value> <!--EXSTR_WARNING_MAXQUANTITYOFHIMALREDYOPEN_STR-->
<value id="1154" string="Error: Creating history of IM messages window dialog"></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_CREATINGHIMDLG_STR-->
<value id="1155" string="Error: Creating history of IM messages window object"></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_CREATINGHIMOBJ_STR-->
<value id="1156" string="History of IM messages : "></value> <!--EXSTR_HISTORYOFIMMESSAGES_STR-->
<value id="1157" string="Turn %s save history of IM messages"></value> <!--EXSTR_SWITCHSAVEHISTORY_STR-->
<value id="1165" string="Camfrog IM Database"></value> <!--EXSTR_CAMFROGIMDB_STR-->
<value id="1166" string="Unable to open the Camfrog IM Database. Trying to gain access to the database failed. The database may be already opened by another Camfrog client."></value> <!--EXSTR_UNABLEOPENDB_STR-->
<value id="1167" string="Camfrog has detected bad values from the Camfrog IM Database, using it may cause file damage."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERRORDB1_STR-->
<value id="1168" string="Unable to verify the structure of the Camfrog IM Database."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERRORDB2_STR-->
<value id="1169" string="Unable to use the Camfrog IM Database. The version information within the profile suggests it's newer than is currently support."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERRORDB3_STR-->
<value id="1170" string="Unable to verify the Camfrog IM Database."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERRORDBDEFAULT_STR-->
<value id="1171" string="Recreate Camfrog IM Database."></value> <!--EXSTR_RECREATEDB_STR-->
<value id="1172" string="Error of writing data to Camfrog IM Database."></value> <!--EXSTR_REEORWRITINGDB_STR-->
<value id="1173" string="Error deleting data from Camfrog IM Database."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERRORDELETEDB_STR-->
<value id="1174" string="Sort by date"></value> <!--EXSTR_SORTBYDATE_STR-->
<value id="1175" string="Sort by session time"></value> <!--EXSTR_SORTBYSESSIONTIME_STR-->
<value id="1176" string="Sort by event"></value> <!--EXSTR_SORTBYEVENT_STR-->
<value id="1177" string="Sort by type"></value> <!--EXSTR_SOTRBYTYPE_STR-->
<value id="1178" string="Sort by action"></value> <!--EXSTR_SORTBBYACTION_STR-->
<value id="1179" string="Sort by name"></value> <!--EXSTR_SORTBYIPADDRESS_STR-->
<value id="1193" string="You can not IM yourself. Please enter the nickname of another user besides yourself."></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_ITISYOURNICKNAME_STR-->
<value id="1194" string="You selected too many messages to reply. Do you want to reply first 50 of them?"></value> <!--EXSTR_COUNTREPLAYMESSAGES_STR-->
<value id="1195" string="Clear all history"></value> <!--EXSTR_CLEARHISTORY_0_STR-->
<value id="1196" string="Erase all messages older than %d days"></value> <!--EXSTR_CLEARHISTORY_1_STR-->
<value id="1197" string="Error: Could not create clear DB window dialog"></value> <!--EXSTR_ERROR_CREATINGCLEARDBWNDDLG_STR-->
<value id="1252" string="The birth year must be between %d and current year. We don't think you are over 100 years old."></value> <!--EXSTR_YEAR_ERROR_STR-->
<value id="1428" string="You must restart Camfrog Client before the new settings will take effect.\nDo you want to restart Camfrog Client now?"></value> <!--EXSTR_RESTART_FOR_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_STR-->
<value id="1455" string="Please provide a valid email (e.g. mail@domain.com).\nIf you lose your password, it will be sent to this address."></value> <!--EXSTR_EMAIL_TEXT_W_STR-->
<value id="1468" string="Get email when given a profile comment or virtual gift."></value> <!--EXSTR_RECEIVE_EMAIL_WHEN_LEAVES_PROFILE_COMMENT_W_STR-->
<value id="1479" string="%s sent you a virtual gift. You can view your gift and read the personal message included by logging in to <a>%s</a>"></value> <!--EXSTR_VGIFT_ADD_STR-->
<value id="1494" string="Load Language File..."></value> <!--EXSTR_LOAD_LANGUAGE_FILE_STR-->
<value id="1496" string="To help translate Camfrog to other languages, or to give feedback on the current translated version you are using please visit the Camfrog Translations section of our website."></value> <!--EXSTR_TRANSLATE_STR-->